Police University

Police University


  • Genre: Comedy, Drama, Crime
  • Release Date: 2021-08-09
  • Runtime: 62 minutes
  • : 7.6
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 34 Ratings


A young hacker who has never wanted anything out of life goes to a police academy to figure himself out — and help a cop take down a gambling ring.

Season for this TV show

  • Season 1 Poster

    Rating: 8.5

    Name: Season 1

    Episode Count: 16

    Release Date: 2021-08-09

    Watch NOW



  • ParkMin

    Reviewed by ParkMin
    It had a good concept and it started off actually decent but it derailed unbelievably hard and quick after episode 2. As If there was a switch flipped. It almost seemed as if the writer lost interest and handed over the wheel to an intern. The drama got seriously dumbed down to the nth degree and the cheese meter got turned to 11. The performance of the younger cast was weak, and the older cast seemed to take the easy way out, delivering lackluster performances for their relatively insignificant and undemanding roles. Cha Tae Hyun is usually good but somehow he's unable to show an expression other than him pouting all the time. The plot surrounding the villain was poorly developed and ended up being lame, as expected. The whole romance in the drama was nothing but childish. The portrayal of the police life was dull and uninteresting. The drama is a strong contender for the worst love triangle out there as well. The last episode was solely dedicated to pair everyone with someone forcefully because reasons?!
