For some reason my wife thinks this is better than the UK version...
... and I will give her the Viking. And I will give her the... wait, no, that is it just the Viking.
The rest is a copy, not as good as the original, and, honestly, as a historian the Native American just offends me. If it turns out he died on the set of a 1950s Western I'll forgive it.
At the end of the day, it's just horrible compared to the OG.
Reviewed by Horseface
Extremely racist and misandrist. But somewhat funny. It's basically a cancer on our culture, but if you can stomach that, there are some really great laughs in season 1. Season two is painful with a few laughs, and season three I abandoned in the first episode. I have to give this one star otherwise I'd be a member of the Hitler Jugend, but it does have its funny moments.