That's My Boy

That's My Boy


  • Genre: Comedy, Drama
  • Release Date: 2012-06-14
  • Runtime: 116 minutes
  • : 5.82
  • Production Company: Relativity Media
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
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While in his teens, Donny fathered a son, Todd, and raised him as a single parent up until Todd's 18th birthday. Now, after not seeing each other for years, Todd's world comes crashing down when Donny resurfaces just before Todd's wedding.



  • Kamurai

    By Kamurai
    Bad watch, won't watch again, and can't recommend. I really couldn't believe I didn't know about this movie before. I've organized a series of Happy Madison watch parties before, but after watching it, then I know why I didn't know about ti. Now I'm not a big fan of either Adam Sandler (though he has movies I enjoy, repeatedly) or Andy Samberg (I think he's better at creating comedy than performing it), but this was really like he was at a party with a big head and bet someone that he could make anything funny. So, of course, the movie starts with a statutory rape case. Now, MAYBE, he was making a message out of the ridiculous double standard about whether or not the minor is male or female, but the seriousness of the situation (though flatly stated in the movie) is not conveyed properly. Since most of the movie is about sex, and possibly alcoholism (again, the point isn't made very clearly), there is a fair amount of sex positive messaging throughout the movie, being inclusive of maturity, skin color, body type, handicapability, and open expression. However because there is a key component of adultery and incest used for humiliation and comedy, it throws any of the previous sex situations into comedy bits, which means not only the message to laugh at people in a messed up sex situation because of incest / adultery (the morality between the two directly addressed), but also statutory rape, the elderly having sex, people expressing thoughts about sex, sex with big black women as things that are comical and that you shouldn't do and should repress. And if that's a thing, then fine, but don't make a movie about it and make me think about it, and then call it a comedy. All of that is on top of the usual thing where everyone wants to bang Adam Sandler, and then he's an alcoholic on top of it, and then we add the litany of things that happen to Andy Samberg's character, to include child neglect, and probably abuse. And it's great for a family to rectify and come to terms together, but to make a movie where they bond over Donny's awful social magic is a weird message on which to make a production. Look, I like being able to turn off my brain and watch some silly movie, and I was ready for it, but then I go thrown into a someone else's debate about if it's okay for a high schooler to knock up his teacher, and it kind of ruined it for me.
