


  • Genre: Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Action
  • Release Date: 2013-11-14
  • Runtime: 104 minutes
  • : 5.9
  • Production Company: 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
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A man has only three and a half days and limited resources to discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 20 years without any explanation.



  • manwhonose

    By manwhonose
    This is definitely one of the films to see before you die. It's seat-squirmingly unsettling, shocking and very violent. It's a journey into a truly disturbed mind; a mind, which - like yours will be - is unable to cope with what it discovers. This film is brilliantly twisted. It has a thread of the most wonderful, blackest humour running through it, a sense of complete disorientation and enough plot twists and turns to sustain your interest. Not one of the best revenge thrillers I've seen - simply THE best!
  • Niemand

    By Niemand
    Just about everyone I’d spoken to about this film recommended it to me. I watched this film with the original Korean-language soundtrack, with English subtitles. Oh Dae-su (Chi Min-sik) is a bit of a flirt (whether he is a womaniser is not made clear) with a wife and young child, who has turned two years old on the day we start the film. Dae-su is in a prison waiting room having insulted a woman he was flirting with. A friend comes and eventually gets him out, but while he’s making a call to his wife to explain he will be home soon, he is kidnapped. Incarcerated in a small room, with only a TV for company, he is fed and looked after, but not allowed his freedom. He unsuccessfully attempts suicide several times. He keeps himself fit by doing exercise programmes he sees on TV and he starts to dig his way out with chopsticks. He sees a TV report that shows he’s been framed for the murder of his wife. Fifteen years later, without a word of explanation, he is released. The rest of the film follows his attempts to find out why he was imprisoned, who did it, and where his daughter is. The film is frenetic, highly charged, and very emotional on several levels. It is also bloody in places, but Dae-su’s obsession for seeking revenge on whomsoever imprisoned him and on finding out where his daughter is drives this film along. There are psychological aspects to the film as well, and the film does eventually resolve itself – it is not one of those open-ended “I wonder who did it” type films. Follow the film through and you will get all the answers. I would recommend it, but I wouldn’t call it light entertainment.
