American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules

American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules


  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2020-10-06
  • Runtime: 95 minutes
  • : 6.2
  • Production Company: Universal 1440 Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 651 Ratings


It's Senior year at East Great Falls. Annie, Kayla, Michelle, and Stephanie decide to harness their girl power and band together to get what they want their last year of high school.



  • 251Family

    By 251Family
    **I realize film industry has started down this path and theres probably no turning back... so I wont even go into it... what I will say is tho... yet another "remake" absolutely wrecked with the push of this new narrative ... to literally "white wash" great content of old and interject this new "narrative"... It along single handidly will eventually kill off Hollywood before this virus does... **
  • r96sk

    By r96sk
    Ah, that was painful! Granted, any movie from this franchise that doesn't involve the main bunch is always going to struggle. The other four releases without Jason Biggs & Co. are hit-and-miss, I liked two and disliked two to be specific. I remember thinking 'American Pie Presents: The Book of Love' was particularly bad, yet somehow this 2020 release has managed to drop the bar even lower. On paper an 'American Pie' flick from the girls' perspective, rather than the boys', sounds cool and I could see that working well with creativity and effort attributed. Unfortunately, what's produced here is awful - from pretty much the very first few scenes. For a 90min movie, this dragged hard! I'm not sure who it's made for either, I can't see it's supposed demographic gaining anything from it; nor the general audience of this series. Surprisingly, given how languid this film is throughout, the cast actually aren't a problem of the movie's, like at all. The acting standard is, at worst, decent, but sadly for them they are given absolutely zero to work with. Madison Pettis, Sara Rue and Lizze Broadway are solid. The latter is a relation of the Stifler, for no real reason, mind you. Oh, and Danny Trejo is in this... well, kinda. He bizarrely just lingers in the background of a few scenes, literally. 'American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules' could've been good made-for-DVD fluff. In actuality it is the definition of utter rubbish. An extract from Wikipedia sums it up, really: "It is the first film in the franchise to not feature Eugene Levy and also the first to contain no nudity".
