Spider-Man: All Roads Lead to No Way Home

Spider-Man: All Roads Lead to No Way Home


  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2022-05-03
  • Runtime: 30 minutes
  • : 6.7
  • Production Company: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 83 Ratings


JB Smoove and Martin Starr host a celebration of 20 years of "Spider-Man" movies, from the Sam Raimi trilogy to Marc Webb's movies and the trio from Jon Watts.



  • Manuel São Bento

    By Manuel São Bento
    FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://www.msbreviews.com/movie-reviews/spider-man-no-way-home-spoiler-free-review "Spider-Man: No Way Home is one of the darkest, saddest, emotionally draining entries in the MCU, surpassing all of my expectations. Despite a messy, convoluted first half with some pacing issues and occasionally frustrating, poorly placed humor, Jon Watts, Chris McKenna, and Erik Sommers more than compensate these minor issues with some of the best (and brutally violent) Spider-Man action ever witnessed on screen. In addition to this, the surprisingly coherent narrative packs shocking developments and actually offers enough screentime for the villains to significantly impact Peter Parker's arc. Unbelievably outstanding performances from everyone involved, especially Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Willem Dafoe. A heartfelt, nostalgic homage to the Spider-Man legacy that fans will rewatch countless times, laughing and crying along for many more years to come. A memorable, passionate, once-in-a-lifetime cinematic experience." Rating: A

    **" THIS IS POP-ENTERTAINMENT; AT ITS FUNNEST, WILDEST, WHACKIEST, _MOST_ CREATIVE, "SUBLIME-EST"... _B E S T_ 💜 😉 😃 "** A **-{ _B I G_ }-** Screen **_MINI_** Review ; Film Seen all of FOUR times( soon to be 🖐 ); as of Dec.15, '2021. ______________________________________________________ Tom Holland's Peter: { to MJ }: "What's that thing you always say? ...expect disappointment..." MJ: "No, no, no... NO ...we're gonna Kick Some Ass !" Tom Holland's Peter: "O.k !" Toby Maguire's Peter: -{ "Cure. Cure Some Ass" }- . **Ned Leeds: CURE THAT ASS !!!**                                         ______________________________________________________ **Somewhere, "In An Alternate Universe",** Spider-Man: No Way Home { to be hitherto referred to as NWH }, is already -Well- on the way to winning the "Best Motion Picture Of The Year" Award. { Here on Earth 🌎, incidentally, the Oscar Awards are, ( as things stand as of -_Now_- ), slated to be held on March 27, 2022 }. And -Speaking- of which, in our -{ OWN }- breathtakingly ravishing universe unfortunately, that particular proposition is likely to be a **-FAR CRY-** at best ; given the Academy's characteristic, and seemingly perpetual "Stiff Upper Lip" type of attitude towards the 'Superhero-Supervillain' genre, in general. However ; with 'Black Panther' ( 2018 ) and 'Joker' ( 2019 ) having -BOTH- been nominated for "That... -{ Most }- Coveted Cinematic Prize ...Of All ", the Best Picture Oscar ; I believe that things are, thankfully 🙏, albeit -{ Slowly }-, **changing for the better.** Yeah, so I'm er, "Officially" dubbing this "An Easter ( - E g g - ) Movie Released At Christmas", because it -well and truly- does reveal itself as **"The Movie Of A 1,000 Beautiful Surprises" . . . .** and so much, much, much, more. { And as I recently changed my review classification from 'Spoiler-free' to 'Spoiler', there is of course, a glaring "Little" reference to ( one ) of the two -most- THRILLING surprises of the picture ( by far ) }. In a nutshell, at this point, I suppose that it would be, well... -{ Suffice for me to say }- ...that NWH "far, far, far, far", surpassed my Hopes for said Theatrical 'Gargantuar' . . . . and "then some". It has -{ already }- SMASHED "all manner of records" the world over, & is currently the **6th Biggest Box-Office Earner ( E v e r ) ;** -quite possibly- soon to be Number 5 ( 💣 💥❗) ; after barrelling thru to overtake yet -Another- 'Veritable Marvel Collosus', 'Avengers: Infinity War' ( 2018 ). Right, and -these- were my three biggest takeaways: 1. The "Raw, -{ Unbridled }- Talent" of NWH's three ( principal ) youngsters, Tom, Zendaya & Jacob . . . & boy, can the young thespian Mr. Thomas Stanley Holland, ( still barely all of '25 and two-thirds' ), **Really, Really ACT 👏❗** 2. How brilliantly -{ ALL }- the 'Multitudinous Trappings Of Contemporary Fame', ( whether that fame be positive -Or- adverse ), were depicted at the onset of NWH. 3. The totally "Astonishing" standard of -{ All }- of The Special Effects ( both computer generated -as well- as "Live" ), & indeed . . . just the { " A l l - A r o u n d " } level of  cinematic accomplishment  by Jon Watts, Daren Gilford, & Mauro Fiore, ( Director, Production Designer, Cinematographer ), & the -{ Entirety }- of the picture's **CREW & CAST,** frankly ....in achieving this thru the -{ Heights }- of a global pandemic.... **K u d o s 🌠❗** **Summation:** Just before I go, I feel like I -{ Must }- say this. "If, ( -like yours truly- ), you've been a Loyal, Loving Adorer of the web-slinger for ( pretty much ) your -Entire- life . . . bring TWICE the amount of tissues ; 1 half for the ( -Several- ) Ribtickling 'Funnies' in NWH, & the other half for the **richly soulful & -{ FABULOUSLY HUMAN }- emotional scenes** that you are unquestionably going to encounter.  Also, -Do- try & stay till the -Very- end of the movie, for not just 1, but in fact, -2- great teaser scenes . . . as you'll be -certain- to glean a few -exciting- insights into the near future of the MCU ( Marvel Cinematic Universe ). And here, without further ado, is my final appraisal of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel's truly "fresh", and -{ Uplifting }- New Multiplex-Marvel. **" 25 Spider Bitten, -{ Viscerally }- Wowed,  And Indeed, " UTTERLY SMITTEN " Marks Out Of 10 . . . 😃 💥❗ "**
  • Chris Sawin

    By Chris Sawin
    _Spider-Man: No Way Home_ isn’t without its flaws, but it is mostly exactly what it’s advertised to be. The film doesn’t necessarily redefine the, “With great power comes great responsibility,” aspect for Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, but it without a doubt gives the MCU version of Spider-Man his version of that principle. _No Way Home_ is a nostalgic extravaganza that exceeds expectations and is a perfect and satisfying bookend for the first three Tom Holland _Spider-Man_ movies. **Full review**: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/18/spider-man-no-way-home-riding-the-nostalgia-train/
  • T D Heath

    By T D Heath
    Long awaited and very conspiricized, **'Spider-man:No way Home'** Lives up and surpasses hype, The introduction of charcters once thought cordened off into the MCU, came both as a shock and as an eventual certainty. The Pleathora of indephth easter eggs creates awonderful viewing for the spider-man fan but alienates the casual none MCU fanatic viewers. The plot is dense not in fault but in advantage, it crams in expectation with suitable comedy and light heartedness. The director created a a comprehensive journey of emotion with several troughs and many peaks leaving a sense of WOAH at the end. Overall, **'Spider-man NWH'** is a Marvel Maniac's Heaven but can ruin marvel experiences for the uniformed viewers spoiling previous films and enjoyment of them. This is not a stand-alone film and for some this amazing but for many of those seeking to enter the universe this is not at all suitable. This and the poorly grand soundtrack make it 4.5 stars.
  • sauceopet

    By sauceopet
    > With great power, comes great responsibility ! Best spider man movie I have ever seen. Literally got chills watching it cinema hall. Cinema hall turned into stadium. The screams, the excitement, the hype - all about it is amazing in it's own way. A total fan service.
  • r96sk

    By r96sk
    Wow! Loved it! I'd recommend not reading any reviews if you plan to watch it - I didn't and I'm sure glad I didn't! Spoilers inbound! Where to begin? I was not expecting to love this film as much as I do! It surpassed my expectations in every way possible, to the point that I'd say it beats 'Avengers: Endgame' as my favourite production from the MCU. This is a next level superhero movie, it's easily the most I've consistently enjoyed a film in this series and genre - no question. The cast are all outstanding, it's ace how they work everyone in from previous iterations of 'Spider-Man' - even away from the main universe. Seeing Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire together onscreen as Peter Parker is tremendous. The film does it in the perfect way, at no point does it feel forced or needless and the humour between the trio is excellent; in fact, the whole film is funny when it intends to be. Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon (his best showing of the trilogy), Jon Favreau and Marisa Tomei also add positives things to this 2021 film. Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina and, most pleasing for me, Willem Dafoe all reprise their characters from past releases and are all a joy. I'm a fan of Dafoe so was particularly happy to see him reappear. Onto what we see onscreen. The plot is great and I wouldn't change anything about it, there is one or two things that I had question marks about whilst watching but those quickly dissipated. The pacing is top notch and the music is superb, the respective screen times of everybody was pinpoint and, along with the already noted humour, the film also packs a punch on a more serious level to boot. This really is top tier Marvel! Would watch again, would recommended etc. Awesome!
  • Adriano

    By Adriano
    This is the perfect Marvel movie that isn't an Avengers film. It pays off everything thing it builds up, corrects previous misgivings and really gets the character of Spider-Man right. All while setting things up in an interesting way that it's bound to be fresh next time out. Absolutely loved this.
  • JPV852

    By JPV852
    Good addition to the Spider-Man franchise and a quasi-reset. Fun seeing the old guard in here with Maguire and Garfield along with their foes and at least their inclusions didn't feel as forced as I feared when this movie was first announced. The relationship between Tom Holland and Zendaya worked better than in Homecoming and even Far From Home. Will be interesting to see where the series goes from here. **4.0/5**
  • Per Gunnar Jonsson

    By Per Gunnar Jonsson
    This is another Spider Man for kids which for me is a wee bit unfortunate. I would very much have liked a Peter Parker / Spider Man that behaved like a real superhero instead of this naïve kid who constantly thinks he knows better than the grown ups and, of course, constantly bungles things up. In addition I was not too thrilled about the story itself where Spider Man right at the beginning is framed as the bad guy. I know, I know, it is rather consistent with the original comics but Hollywood do not hesitate so change things if they feel like it so why not make a good change for once? The good thing about this movie is the special effects. They are quite cool. Especially the parts in this weird space where Doctor Strange and Spider Man dukes it out. Unfortunately that is pretty much it. The rest of the movie is really dragged down by the childish and stupid behavior of Peter Parker. Him being a real idiot and constantly trying to change the spell was just cringe worthy. Then he continues screwing things up because he do not want notorious criminals to go back to their real place because they will actually die there. Typical Hollywood sob story. Despite what that dumb bitch said towards the end, yes Peter Parker you did something wrong, you screwed up big time and the wrong people died because of it. Another thing that was really annoying throughout the movie was listening to that moron Jonah Jameson from The Daily Bugle. He was spewing almost as much fake news as CNN and it just pissed me off every time he was on screen. It is a shame really. One would have thought that, given that they already did the young and immature Spider Man in Spider Man: Far From Home, they could have made him more experienced and mature in this one. You know, character advancement. Instead they just piled on the childish, naïve and immature behavior with a good dose of juvenile jokes making what, with some actual intelligent script writing, could have been a great movie with all those cool special effects (and I really do like Doctor Strange) to be one just barely watchable.
  • Nathan

    By Nathan
    This movie brings it from start to finish, there is not a dull moment in this film, and we truly see the birth of a new Spider-Man. As a superhero and MCU fan, this is a much watch and breaks open the multi-verse entirely. A welcomed addition to the fresh new phase four of the MCU. **Verdict:** _Excellent_
