Tall Girl

Tall Girl


  • Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
  • Release Date: 2019-09-13
  • Runtime: 101 minutes
  • : 6.3
  • Production Company: Wonderland Sound and Vision
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 1,877 Ratings


Jodi, the tallest girl in her high school, has always felt uncomfortable in her own skin. But after years of slouching, being made fun of, and avoiding attention at all costs, Jodi finally decides to find the confidence to stand tall.



  • Peter McGinn

    By Peter McGinn
    I just noticed another review on this site for Tall Girl, and I think it is the only 1-star review I have ever seen on TMDB (there are certainly a lot of them at that other movie data and review site that shall remain unnamed). I have seen valid critiques about how much is made of a person being bullied because they are tall, like that is impossible. It is perhaps overdone at least. Imagine that if Jodi played basketball instead of the piano how she would be — pardon the pun — looked up to. People would be giving her low fives after every team wind instead of asking facetiously, “How’s the weather up there?” So perhaps it is unlikely that dues to her having the wrong hobby she would be treated so poorly. On the other hand, I can also see her having some reason to feel put upon. If she managed to get to high school and basically have just two close friends, one of which always hits on her and even lies to try to get her to date him, she may not be in a great place emotionally. So maybe dial back her unhappiness and bullied state a bit. Also, I didn’t buy the idea that Stig would be thought of as the shortest and least attractive guy in school back in Sweden. But the plot relies upon that fact to explain his total change in attitude towards Jodi. They have Jodi be a nice person despite her unhappiness and unpopularity, but Stig becomes a jerk just because he is suddenly popular? Yeah, kind of lame. So yeah, the movie has problems and takes shortcuts. It doesn’t make it a 1-star movie to me, but it will prevent me from watching the sequel that came out later on. (Wait, don’t rom-coms have happy endings? They shouldn’t have sequels, should they?)
