


  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2019-10-10
  • Runtime: 84 minutes
  • : 6.79
  • Production Company: CBS Films
  • Production Country: Canada, United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 1,205 Ratings


Phil's new phone comes with an unexpected feature, A.I. determined to keep him all to herself in a comedy about what can happen when you love your phone more than all else.



  • Kamurai

    By Kamurai
    Great watch, would watch again, and can recommend. This is basically "Her" if Scarlett Johansson was an insane, jealous A.I. written for an audience to laugh at Adam Devine's misfortunes. This is definitely an abuse humor story about a socially awkward guy, so the movie tends to whip rapidly between awkward cringe humor that wouldn't occur in life ever, just grossly gratuitous abuse, and moments of positive growth. While the story of a guy meeting a girl and overcoming personal adversity is decent, it's not in the focus nor entertaining enough to be the movie. What really makes this movie is treating Jexi like a real character, a rampant A.I. manipulating whatever she can reach from the world. There are a lot of moments in this that are written out of context, they literally could have happened anywhere during the movie, almost like they were written sketches, but they're funny enough you may not notice. It's an awkward movie, but it has a plethora of good things going for it, and is a deceptively deep movie.
