


  • Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller
  • Release Date: 2022-06-17
  • Runtime: 107 minutes
  • : 5.79
  • Production Company: Grand Electric
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 1,565 Ratings


A prisoner in a state-of-the-art penitentiary begins to question the purpose of the emotion-controlling drugs he's testing for a pharmaceutical genius.



  • JustEntertainment

    By JustEntertainment
    The concept is fascinating enough, but the story is so slow and boring that it's hard to follow. Seems like there's a message buried somewhere in there, but it's easy to fall asleep before Evil Corporations oh my god is properly repackaged and regurgitated at whatever climax they think they wrote into the script somewhere. Snore.
  • misubisu

    By misubisu
    Can't fault the acting or the production values. This was filmed in Australia, on an island in Queensland. The premise should be more interesting than the way this film presents it. Poor directing? Perhaps. As I said, the acting is good and believable. A couple of plot holes that I couldn't wrap my head around. The film was based on a short story, which I'm told is a very good story. Clearly the movie got something very wrong. A few days after I watched it, and the movie is unmemorable.
  • Nathan

    By Nathan
    Going into Spiderhead I was not expecting much due to the mixed bag of reviews, but I was really surprised. The concept is really interesting and very deranged, I found myself gasping out loud at scenarios that were presented to the inmates throughout the film. While I do agree that the third act does fall bit short, I still found it enjoyable enough. The acting in this movie was superb. Chris Hemsworth does an excellent job as the "villain," he really makes you believe that he is doing this out of a good heart. It was really nice seeing him play a somewhat demented scientist, which is outside of the comedic role that he has carved himself due to the MCU. Wyatt Teller and Jurnee Smollett do a really good job as well, they have very emotionally invested scenes that bleed over to the audience. Overall, this film starts off strong and slowly fades towards the end but nothing that tremendously hurts the overall product. **Verdict:** _Good_
  • The Movie Mob

    By The Movie Mob
    **Spiderhead could have been so much more but settled for bland.** Spiderhead’s concept presented compelling possibilities but fell very short of its potential. The movie focuses on pharmaceuticals that create love, fear, and other emotions in its prison-mandated test subjects. I expected the plot to center on characters grappling with whether they actually love their new boyfriend/girlfriend, causing them to doubt every decision since they entered the program — a psychological angle. Instead, Spiderhead is a basic rich guy doing something shady at the expense of others movie. With a great cast and an incredible director, I wanted this movie to be so much more. Ultimately, Spiderhead is another forgettable straight-to-streaming movie that wasted its exciting premise and talent.
