


  • Genre: Drama, Science Fiction, Horror
  • Release Date: 1990-08-10
  • Runtime: 115 minutes
  • : 6.5
  • Production Company: Stonebridge Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
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Five medical students want to find out if there is life after death. They plan to stop one of their hearts for a few seconds, thus simulating death, and then bring the person back to life.



  • Gimly

    By Gimly
    I thought the original _Flatliners_ was okay, but I was never a big fan. That said, I was still at least partly on board for the potential of a _Flatliners_ TV series. That idea was abandoned in favour of a straight up film-remake, but still I was interested if for no other reason than the cast. The end result? This one's even worse than the original. _Final rating:★★ - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product._
  • John Chard

    By John Chard
    Line of flatness for fans of the original - for others not so much. Strictly on a personal level, I always felt that the original Flatliners was average at best. A missed opportunity to use the premise for frightening results, to unnerve, unhinge, whilst intelligently examining the life after death question. So when news of this 2017 remake broke I wasn't in the least bit surprised, the idea at the narrative core was ripe for further filmic delvings. Niels Arden Oplev's 2017 version is itself problematic, and a long way from being all the things I so wanted from the original film, but at least it has its own twists, a supernatural slant for scares. The makers are also to be applauded for making a truly bold decision in the story, rendering complaints about this not offering anything new as being redundant. Chances are that if you are a fan of the original film you will hate this, if like me you have no affinity to it then this is an ok time waster. While for those not familiar with the 1990 pic can go in for some mild shock and afterlife dalliances. 6/10
  • GenerationofSwine

    By GenerationofSwine
    So this is like Flatliners... only its not as scary because modern audiences. And it doesn't offer the same satire because modern audiences. And it gender-swapped the main character because modern audiences. And because of the Swap she couldn't be as dynamic because that would show weakness and yadda yadda yadda so you end up not really caring because she never comes across as a real person, just checked boxes. And in the end you have wasted a chunk of your life again because you Millennial wife thought it might be cool to watch the remake of one of the movies your old Gen-X butt raved about
