Pocket Listing

Pocket Listing


  • Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime
  • Release Date: 2016-03-23
  • Runtime: 92 minutes
  • : 6.3
  • Production Company: Helios Productions (II)
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 39 Ratings


A satirical thriller about L.A.'s real estate roller coaster. Double crosses, adultery, murder, mistaken identity, and revenge ensues when a mysterious power player and his sultry wife hire a disgraced Los Angeles property broker to discreetly market and sell their Malibu villa.



  • romina100

    By romina100
    "Pocket Listing" blends different genres in roughly equal measure. Mixing in elements of neo noir with darkly comic crime caper and satirical commentary on material excess, the film manages to cleverly execute the double-blinds and double-crosses. The twists keep the audience engaged, and the cinematography and editing are crisp. More than ever though, it's carried by a very appealing cast. James Jurdi's character is hunky, confident, and affable, while Jessica Clark's character is gorgeous, sexy, vulnerable, and dangerously seductive. Rob Lowe has a great turn as a rock star looking villain, and the film has solid supporting performances from Logan Donovan, Noel Gugliemi, and the great Burt Reynolds in a small but welcome role. Final Verdict: Smart and fun, sometimes tricky crime movie.
