Into the Forest

Into the Forest


  • Genre: Drama, Science Fiction
  • Release Date: 2016-06-03
  • Runtime: 101 minutes
  • : 5.8
  • Production Company: Rhombus Media
  • Production Country: Canada
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 676 Ratings


In the not too distant future, two young women who live in a remote ancient forest discover the world around them is on the brink of an apocalypse. Informed only by rumor, they fight intruders, disease, loneliness & starvation.



  • Kamurai

    By Kamurai
    Great watch, would watch again, and can recommend. Trigger Warning: sexual violence. Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood carry most of this "mysterious dystopia" movie. I'm sure this story can be used as a parallel of what it is to be a woman in the modern world, but I see it as a survival story. The two aren't necessarily exclusive to another. The "last person on the planet" trope is good, but even just the idea of living off-grid is daunting enough to the average person without it being the only option. It's a sister story right alongside "Frozen" and "Kill La Kill" to me. The family togetherness is a good lesson woven into the story. While I'd prefer zombies, they do a great job of showing the story, the character's emotions and how they're feeling about things at any time. On the frustrating side of it: you get to see people make a lot of mistakes in surviving, which of course progresses the story bit by bit.
