


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2022-09-16
  • Runtime: 167 minutes
  • : 6
  • Production Company: Plan B Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
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From her volatile childhood as Norma Jeane, through her rise to stardom and romantic entanglements, this reimagined fictional portrait of Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe blurs the lines of fact and fiction to explore the widening split between her public and private selves.



  • Martín Acosta

    By Martín Acosta
    In the middle of 2022, the movie I was looking forward to the most was '**Blonde**', but... I'm really disappointed. The film has nowhere to hold on, it's just a fictional compilation of the supposed life of **Marilyn Monroe**, where we don't get context and it's easy to get lost through the scenes and the large number of characters (_which if you didn't know the story, you wouldn't really know who they are_) of a feature film of almost three hours. The direction is good, although quite experimental where sometimes elements that seem to come out of nowhere are combined. Not to mention the constant switching between color and black/white that doesn't seem to represent anything concrete. **Ana de Armas's** performance is brilliant, by far the best of the film, despite how poor her character is. I'm really disappointed, in these times we live in, designing a movie about **Marilyn Monroe** could have contained a much more powerful message. The story of a woman who went through the sexualization of the industry in the 50's. Instead the film only seems to add fuel to the fire by showing nudity at any time and sometimes for no reason. Based on a story in parts fictitious, with a vision, in my opinion, poorly focused, they make 'Blonde' a great disappointment.
  • Hossein

    By Hossein
    This is a movie that shows no other side of Marylin than her being miserable. While watching this movie, if you try to fact-check stuff, you realize that many parts of it are fictitious. Then as you continue watching the movie, you wonder what you're watching. This movie is neither a good representation of reality nor a good work of fiction...
  • r96sk

    By r96sk
    'Blonde' is a strange one. There is nothing about it that I'd scream from the rooftops about, yet the heavy run time of around 2hrs 47mins went by in an absolute flash - not once was I bored with what I was watching; I tend to check how long is left of a movie when I'm finding it dull, but with this I didn't check at all - as clear a sign as any that I obviously enjoyed it. I'm not fully convinced why, admittedly. I think it's just really interesting to watch from start-to-finish, the acting is very good and the film is put together well. I wasn't sure about having Ana de Armas as Marilyn Monroe during the first few scenes, though I quickly lost those thoughts as she gives a great performance. I get the criticisms (though how many biopics truly stick to reality?) but I predominantly judge films as films, and this is a very watchable one in my books. I'm not saying it's anything special, though for a near 3hr flick to fly by it evidently gave me what I require.
  • misubisu

    By misubisu
    No wonder Marilyn Monroe overdosed on sleeping pills, I was suicidal well before this movie finished!! This movie is so depressing that it is hard to watch. I had to jump through numerous parts desperately looking for something even slightly uplifting. I failed.
