Hitman: Agent 47

Hitman: Agent 47


  • Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
  • Release Date: 2015-08-20
  • Runtime: 96 minutes
  • : 5.9
  • Production Company: Daybreak Productions
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 3,087 Ratings


An assassin teams up with a woman to help her find her father and uncover the mysteries of her ancestry.



  • Per Gunnar Jonsson

    By Per Gunnar Jonsson
    I know, I know, this movie is rather superficial and simple. More effort has been spent on cool action than on depth of the story. Well, you know what? I do not care! I quite liked this movie. Agent 47 is cool and kicks ass. The bad guys gets plenty of ass whooping. The action is good. There is quite a lot of high tech and gadgets. What is there not to like? The movie starts of with a quite cool sequence introducing Agent 47. I have to say that I got into quite a bit of “wow” mode right a way there. The movie continues with plenty of action sequences with just a wee bit of slowdown in between. Actually the first-half, at least, of the movie is pretty much one long chase. Perhaps I should point out that I have not played Hitman and do not really know what the original story is about. From a lot of the comments I have read it appears That this might be to my advantage when it comes to enjoying the movie. Some people are probably complaining about bad acting since Agent 47 do not really show much in terms of facial expressions or emotions. Well, news for you, he is not supposed to! He is supposed to be a cold emotionless killing machine so stop whining. Personally I found Agent 47 to be an excellent character. the re is on scene in particular that I liked where Agent 47 intentionally allows himself to be caught in a embassy. Once inside he, to no one in the audience surprise starts to tear the place apart. You have to see it to know what I mean. The second part, or perhaps just the last third, of the movie turns into more of a search and destroy for Agent 47 and his new “partner”. this part is of course as action filled as the first part of the movie. Naturally it all leads to a big show down between the Agent 47 & Co. The end itself did not really deliver any surprises but was satisfying. The one thing in the movie that annoyed me was this subdermal armor stuff. The idea was not a too bad one but they really overplayed it. Come on! Just shoot him in the head or an eye or some other “sensitive” part for Christ sake. Bulletproof my arse! I honestly do not understand the low rating this movie has received. 5.7 at IMDb is really a bit harsh. Rotten Tomatoes rating is, not very surprisingly, abysmal. Rotten Tomatoes and their “critics” ratings must be the worst of any ratings site. When these dickwads rate down a movie, that’s when I start to get interested. First step is to drill down into the real audience ratings which more often that not gives a different picture. Any way I digress. Bottom line is that, for me, this is a simple, straightforward, high octane action movie and I quite enjoyed it.
  • snunes97

    By snunes97
    **This movie makes the 2007 Hitman movie look like a freaking masterpiece**. The source material is thrown completely out of the window. The story is now about super-powered Terminator-like assassins and some woman trying to find her father. The methodical stealth game is turned into a brainless action movie with no originality or stakes. Fans of action movies are going to fall asleep. Fans of the game are going to hate it. **Just watch the 2007 Hitman**. It is a bit more respectful of the source material, it's more fun and it's even somewhat smart in places.
