


  • Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery
  • Release Date: 1995-09-15
  • Runtime: 128 minutes
  • : 6.7
  • Production Company: 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks
  • Production Country: United States of America
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Strike is a young city drug pusher under the tutelage of drug lord Rodney Little. When a night manager at a fast-food restaurant is found with four bullets in his body, Strike’s older brother turns himself in as the killer. Detective Rocco Klein doesn’t buy the story, however, setting out to find the truth, and it seems that all the fingers point toward Strike & Rodney.



  • Badlands1

    By Badlands1
    This is a criminally underrated gem, a urban movie about drug dealers that feels nothin like your typical gangsta movie, it doesn't have constant rap playing the whole way through, but a poignant classical soundtrack from Blanchard, Albeit still great 90's hip hop in it. The emotion and color of the sets are tangible. I wouldn't really call this a Spike Lee joint, because Scorsese produced it, it has a much more professional and serious feel than Spikes previous corny work. The 90's Brooklyn hip hop street reality feel is there but this film hits a much deeper note in the soul, skip the mainstream trailer, it might be the reason this failed in the mainstream, when it sours with true underground heads.
  • Andre Gonzales

    By Andre Gonzales
    Thought this movie would've been better. Pretty boring not much action or anything to keep you interested.
