Star Trek Beyond

Star Trek Beyond


  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
  • Release Date: 2016-07-07
  • Runtime: 122 minutes
  • : 6.784
  • Production Company: Skydance Media
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 6,687 Ratings


The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test.



  • Linda Robinson

    By Linda Robinson
    I saw this movie two hours ago and I can't remember how it started. Ah. Diplomatic mission to offer a truce artifact to one of the warring sides from the other. It does not go well. Just a tad shy of 3 years into the 5 year mission and Kirk is bored enough to take a desk job. Screenplay set-up signifying it's all about to get much less stultifying. I don't know enough about camera angle choices to know if that's what makes the film feel disjointed, or the script, or editing chops, but something certainly felt unconnected. I started noticing details I had no business noticing. Everybody's hair is bigger. I watched Galaxy Quest recently, and when Krall showed up I choked on popcorn. In fact, prosthetics needed an above the title billing. Running from intruders in a dark corridor, I could see Uhura's earrings glinting. If I could see those, the enemy could, too. The device designed to End The Universe is too much like Big Hero 6. The space station too much like Elysium. And the jumpstart of a starship too much like Furious 7. One of these days in the near future scenic designers will stop putting skyscrapers on hula hoops in deep space. And it's a space station - where are all the people running to when the bad stuff starts happening? It's a scene device that needs to go. The Bad Dude airship docking station is right out of Independence Day. Can we get a little new here? Visual effects are gooey (literally) with some stuff that may or may not be a cue to the bee reference, and is at one point, squished out I don't know how while Kirk rides a vintage motorcycle in circles. And then the squish hardens. I also don't know how, or what that goo was supposed to keep in or out. Much of this is superfluous, but the story was not interesting enough to make me stop looking around. There are way too many wire bundles, a feature of Star Trek Next Gen Borg episodes. When we finally get the Bad Dude's backstory, it isn't enough. Kirk's bored, Bad Dude is disappointed, and how the hell Uhura survives every encounter requires too much suspension of belief. I also noticed that the guys in the theater were sporting ball caps with sunglasses perched on the brim. Noticing fashion in the cinema is not why I go to the movies. Read this week that Chris Hemsworth has signed on to the next Star Trek as George Kirk. Does not bode well for new better adventures.
  • Austin Singleton

    By Austin Singleton
    Star Trek Beyond is what a summer blockbuster is all about. Read my full review here!
  • Reno

    By Reno
    **When theirs rescue mission failed...** It's not like I'm a big fan of 'Star Wars', so I disliked it. I have seen many space adventure films, but I never felt this series so interesting. I enjoyed some of the 'Star Trek' films though. I know this sequel is not good the previous ones, but for me this look okay than those. Because it was so simple, particularly story wise, and the rest of the film was action and adventure. No offense, but this series is like the collection of the rejections from other franchises. I mean, look at the cast, most of them are comedians and some of them are the category two actors and the rest are, I don't know what they are, bur decent actors. But these films pulled off successfully at the box office. Not a big impact like the recent 'Star Wars' film or any Marvel's films, but quite an impressive figure knowing the above fact I stated. From the Taiwanese director who made four 'Fast and Furious' films, handled his best for this. This film tells the story of the captain James Kirk, who leads his ship and crew to a rescue mission to a distant planet where some alien race who had stranded. But when they reach their destination, an unknown space army takes them by surprise and they too take a refuse on the same planet. From there how they plan to escape and to learn who were those attackers, all comes in the next half. This id full of action adventure. The story was little, but quite neatly developed characters, I mean the new ones with some good stunt sequences. As usual, there's no complaint about the graphics. I mean for the casual viewing, but who knows if you carefully look for the flaws, you might get a few. I suggest you to watch it just for an entertainment, but it might fail to satisfy the die-hard fans of 'Star Trek'. I think overall, it is not a bad film, even the two hours long is not an issue due to the good pace. _7/10_
  • Per Gunnar Jonsson

    By Per Gunnar Jonsson
    Last Saturday me and the kids sat down to watch Star Trek Beyond which we received in the mail the day before. In general we liked the movie quite a lot. Plenty of action, good special effects and a not too bad story. However, one thing irked me to now end. They blew up the enterprise…again. Stop destroying the bloody Enterprise in every movie for Christ sake! Been there, seen that done that. It is getting both old and frustrating. Apart from that it was a good entry in the new timeline movie series. I am not sure what all those people giving it one star ratings and calling it the worst movie ever expected to get? Anyone who has watched the two other movies should be expecting a fairly action loaded blockbuster with lots of CGI in it and that is exactly what we got. Personally I think this is a good thing. I was getting rather bored by some of the previous installments in the original timeline where they almost never fired a shot and tried to talk or reason their way out of every problem they encountered. The story was not too bad although I have to agree that it did not really advance the story or timeline much. It was more like a TV-show episode blown up to a full feature movie. It worked nicely though as a action story although I would have liked to know more about how Edison transformed into Krall and, although that could be explained by some mutation caused by the alien technology, how he managed to transform himself back to Edison. The CGI with the alien swarm moving fluidly over the screen and the huge Yorktown station was quite stunning as far as I am concerned. I also liked that the ships, both Enterprise and the Franklin could take quite a bit of abuse before starting to fail. In a lot of the previous movies as well as the TV-shows it took one hit and some console exploded and the warp core went down. All in all both me and the kids quite liked this installment in the series.
  • lukan87

    By lukan87
    I always loved these type of movies.This one is very adventurous and full of suspans. Nice one.I've watched it more than 3 times and every time i have the same feeling. Extraordinary😁!!!!
  • GenerationofSwine

    By GenerationofSwine
    Well, I finally saw it and I can honestly say that I was far less offended by it than I was by the hack job reboot of Kahn. And I only cared slightly less about the film than I did the original JJ reboot. It was a popcorn sci-fi action flick, and I liked Urban and Pine but thought that Quinto should have brought more of himself to the film rather than attempting to channel Nimoy. It was a fair enough impression, but it didn't fit with the rest of the reboot that seemed to care nothing about Star Trek. Ultimately when Quinto channels Nimoy like that it just gives the viewer the jarring sensation that one member of the cast cared about what came before and forces the viewer to remember that this actually is a Star Trek film. And that doesn't work in a rebooted franchise that relies on nostalgia, in place of a story, and then kind of mocks the nostalgia. That is ultimately the problem, Star Trek was a science-Fiction space adventure that was both cheesy and offered veiled social commentary about an idealistic world governed by a strict meritocracy with a strong morality and how that idealism clashes with other species and ideals by both forging alliances and making enemies. This had nothing to do with that. It is basically an action movie with science-fiction elements and occasional nods to the cheesy fun that Star Trek once was. At it's core it didn't have the heart that lends itself to an engaging plot and character arcs. And, given that it came after a betrayal, that is after they rebooted one of the franchise's best films and took away most everything that made it so great and fun... I didn't care enough to actually see it until it came on television. The real issue the reboot thing, for some reason they always take out plot and character development and fill that void with action and it makes the film feel visually appealing yet hallow.
  • misubisu

    By misubisu
    Spock in a relationship with Uhura... Gimme a break!!!
