Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood

Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood


  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1985-10-07
  • Runtime: 42 minutes
  • : 4.7
  • Production Company: Sai Enterprise
  • Production Country: Japan
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Late at night, a woman is kidnapped by an unknown assailant and taken back to his blood-spattered dungeon, where he turns her into a "flower of blood and flesh" through a series of dismemberment and evisceration.



  • drystyx

    By drystyx
    The supporting characters make this a classic. Most classic films are that way. This tale of Middle Ages blood and gore and survival is quite epic. Paul Verhoeven directs, so we can expect the "in your face" style that he's best at doing. There isn't the comic relief that you get in a lot of his movies. This is hard nosed action and blood. I guess that's why it's "Flesh+Blood". The romantic triangle are aging warrior Martin (Rutger Hauer), the plain blueblood virgin Agnes (Jennifer Leigh, who usually isn't this plain), and the nobleman's son, Steven (Tom Burlinson). We get hints that Steven is heroic at first, compared to his wicked father who cheats his soldiers and does what he can for money. Steven is a scholar who we are supposed to care about because he reads. Well, he quickly becomes a monster worse than his father. Martin actually works for the cardinal. In the Middle Ages, cardinals had little to do with "Jesus", and more to do with the estate of the church. Somehow, this cardinal is on the road, and cardinals were mercantile people, not religious people. They often kept small armies or bodyguards. This cardinal has some very expert warriors. In fact, the most likable characters in the film are a pair of homosexual soldiers who bring sanity and reason to the antics of Martin and his chief rival of the soldiers, Summer. There is one other soldier, who is older yet than Martin, and is also a very likable character. The women in the party with the cardinal and his soldiers are all much more gorgeous than Agnes, probably a statement about the blue blood royalty. The hottest girl of the group is also the most emotional, ready to satisfy the lusts of soldiers, and later weeping with the cardinal in remorse for her sins. They become quarry for Steven when they attack him and his home grown soldiers, who are basically just peons who are enlisted without training. The cardinal has declared Martin their leader by a supernatural decree. Martin kidnaps Agnes, and Agnes pleads for him to be her only lover, and not let Summer touch her. Martin gets involved with Agnes, who plays both ends against the middle. Steven chases them, with the help of the most interesting character on his team, Hawkwood. One of the sidebars here is the medical practice of the day. A cleric doctor of the time finds that plague has entered the camp, and his backwards medicine is no match for the plague. The characters are what make this a classic, as the two forces face off against each other. You'll likely find yourself caring more about the supporting characters like Hawkwood and the two homosexual soldiers and the "mother" than the major characters. And that's why this film is so special.
  • CinemaSerf

    By CinemaSerf
    The Lord "Arnolfini" (Fernando Hilbeck) makes quite a misjudgement when he promises a fortune to mercenary leader "Martin" (Rutger Hauer) if he agrees to help him retake his castle, only to renege on the deal. "Martin" and his merry band duly attack a caravan that is carrying his son "Steven" (Tom Burlinson) and fiancée "Agnes" (Jennifer Jason Leigh). She is brutally raped by the men, with the complicity of their leader who quickly claims her as his own. Their travels take them to a castle which they decide to capture, but what they don't realise is that the army of their former employer is giving chase. If he succeeds in catching up with them, then we might be in for quite a lively siege. This is quite a fun drama with plenty of earthy, even bawdy, action scenes that depict quite plausibly just how a marauding band of 16th century adventurers might have behaved. There's some enjoyable science from the young "Steven" who's quite adept at some sophisticated engineering and with explosives, JJL enters into the spirit of things quiet enthusiastically and Hauer is exactly the same as he is in "Ladyhawke" - also from this year, as his less is more dialogue delivery is coupled with a screen presence that only he could deliver. It's a bit on the long side, but there's plenty of action once it gets going and loads of frying pan to fire scenarios for everyone to escape from. It's got the look of a spaghetti fantasy to it, and though maybe just a bit too repetitive, I quite enjoyed it.
