On the brink of the Second World War, a young Norwegian man's drive to resist the Nazis sets a new course for his future – and the future of his country.
Brent Marchant
By Brent Marchant
Resistance in the face of tyranny is one of those topics that can make for truly great filmmaking, especially when the subject is timely (as many would contend it is currently). And the latest offering from director John Andreas Andersen serves up an inspiring and engaging tale in that vein. The film follows the experience of Norwegian resistance fighter Gunnar Sønsteby (1918-2012) (Sjur Vatne Brean) in his courageous efforts to take on Nazi invaders who took over his homeland during World War II. Working under the code name Number 24 with a band of longtime friends under the direction of British special forces and the Norwegian government in exile in the UK, Sønsteby coordinated and led an array of raids on German assets in Norway, often at great risk and tremendous personal cost. He also frequently found himself wrestling with his conscience, especially when it came to confronting fellow countrymen who had become Third Reich collaborators, including some individuals he knew personally. Sønsteby’s heroic exploits are presented through a series of flashbacks delivered through a lecture given to students at his alma mater in which his elder self (Erik Hivju) details a variety of these wartime incidents and attempts to answer probing questions from young audience members seeking to understand his motivations and intents in carrying out this mission. The film thus examines the conflicted feelings that he and other peace-loving Norwegians had to contend with at a time when their lives, freedoms and national sovereignty were very much on the line. Andersen does a highly capable job in telling the story of this much-celebrated national hero, even if the narrative is somewhat episodic at times, particularly in picture’s sometimes-meandering opening half hour. Nevertheless, “Number 24” effectively relates an aspect of World War II little known outside of Scandinavia, letting the world know of the bravery of a civil society that rose to the occasion when their liberty and autonomy were threatened in the face of brutal, unrelenting treachery. It’s a lesson we should all take to heart, especially when these conditions loom and place us in a position of vulnerability. Indeed, we should all take heed of the message of this important cautionary tale.