The Blackening

The Blackening


  • Genre: Horror, Comedy
  • Release Date: 2023-06-15
  • Runtime: 97 minutes
  • : 6.05
  • Production Company: MRC
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 312 Ratings


Seven black friends go away for the weekend, only to find themselves trapped in a cabin with a killer who has a vendetta. They must pit their street smarts and knowledge of horror movies against the murderer to stay alive.



  • CinemaSerf

    By CinemaSerf
    So a group of friends with the usual collection of personal relationship baggage arrive at a rural cabin after ten years of not meeting. After a brief exploration of the place, they find themselves at the mercy of a board game that requires their undivided attention else a crossbow will put paid to each of them. Initially they are all petrified - especially as two of their number take fairly early exits (perhaps they'd read the whole script?) - but gradually they realise that team work might be their only hope of salvation. What now ensues is just a mess. It contrives to include just about every stereotypical character known to man in what seems like an overlong hundred minutes of attitude that really just fell flat. After about twenty minutes I was merrily supporting the would be killer who just couldn't mow down this lot fast enough. There's a bit of a twist at the end which might have worked better had I cared in the slightest about their survival, but even that seemed engineered only to create something that, horrifyingly, suggested that a sequel might be in the back of someone's mind! Sorry, it's neither funny nor frightening and I was glad when the credits started to roll.
  • Horseface

    By Horseface
    A group of insufferable, KKK-tier racists with little to no redeeming qualities go on a trip, pretending to be friends. Murder and hilarity ensues. No, wait, I misspelled that last one: bigotry. Murder and bigotry ensues. Avoid.
  • r96sk

    By r96sk
    A few moments notwithstanding, 'The Blackening' is largely a dull affair. At least they chose a run time of around 90 minutes, that stops the movie from overly dragging. Still, though, not enough is produced to entertain. The humour is probably its 'strongest' element (relatively), not that it's all that funny but bits of the dialogue (much of which was apparently improvised) are mildly amusing. The antagonists are kinda lame and the twist isn't much of one at all. The cast, though, are all perfectly fine. Jermaine Fowler gives a solid performance, to be fair. Aside from him, X Mayo was the one I liked seeing onscreen the most. The board game element is a good one - think 'Jumanji', but racist. Sounds like a sequel is on the cards. If so, hopefully it'll be an improvement on this unfortunately forgettable flick.
