Dieudonné - Mahmoud

Dieudonné - Mahmoud


  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2010-04-22
  • Runtime: 75 minutes
  • : 7.7
  • Production Company: Les Productions de la Plume
  • Production Country: France
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 18 Ratings


Dieudonné returns with "Mahmoud", in what can be described as "a contemporary artistic testimony with a strong humorous content." He tells us about the incredible events that led him to meet the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He takes us back in time and transports us to the 16th century on a plantation in Martinique to discuss the courteous relationships between masters and their slaves. He also talks about the all-powerful and revered field of medicine... only to mock it, of course. And it feels good!


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