Death of a Nation

Death of a Nation


  • Genre: Documentary, History
  • Release Date: 2018-08-03
  • Runtime: 108 minutes
  • : 4.2
  • Production Company: D'Souza Media
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 51 Ratings


Parallels are drawn between Abraham Lincoln's presidency and the presidency of Donald Trump. Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept the result of a free election. That year, their target was Lincoln. They smeared him. They went to war to defeat him. In the end, they assassinated him.



  • EmmanuelGoldstein

    By EmmanuelGoldstein
    **Review from a German who cares nothing about American political Parties** I loved the parts about Sophie Scholl. All of the parts about National Socialism, especially the "movie" parts were really well done and shot on location. One of the main points Sophie Scholl makes in her actual flyers, is that Germans are an educated people with many great writers and poets etc. Yet the book that (at the time) all these well educated Germans praised the most was... well, you know that book by that mediocre Austrian Charlie Chaplin impersonator, which truth be told is utter garbage and is probably the worst piece of garbage ever put on paper - and yes - I can say that, because I actually read it. Whereas all these useful idiots that mindlessly praised it as their Bible - actually have not read it - and praise it purely for political reasons. That's kinda like how it is with this movie, just the other way around. Only very few have actually watched it and their voices aren't heard, whereas many people slander it without knowing anything about the history it addresses or even having watched it at all. D'Souza does an excellent job in all aspects of his involvement. And while I don't care about American political parties, his research about and portrayal of the National Socialists is spot on, and it's kinda depressing that it took an American Indian (or is it Indian American?) to spell out the things about the National Socialists that we Germans knew all along, but never dared to really spell out ourselves. Just one little criticism; Dinesh, don't EVER try pronounce a German word again! ;-)
