Age of Heroes

Age of Heroes


  • Genre: Drama, Action, Thriller, War
  • Release Date: 2011-05-19
  • Runtime: 90 minutes
  • : 5.5
  • Production Company: Giant Films
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 196 Ratings


The true story of the formation of Ian Fleming's 30 Commando unit, a precursor for the elite forces in the U.K.



  • Per Gunnar Jonsson

    By Per Gunnar Jonsson
    A simple but fairly okay World War 2 movie. The blurb about the film talks about “true story” but as usual it is more “based on” stuff. They apparently did not have much of a budget when doing this movie and I am fairly surprised that Sean Bean is in it. It is a quite simple and straightforward movie and could easily have been a TV-movie rather than a theatre feature. I probably would have been more harsh in my review if I would have made the effort to go to a theatre to watch it. It is however, a fairly okay movie. It wont win any prizes for special effects but it has decent acting and a story that is not too bad. Sean Bean is good as usual but I do not think he gets the chance to shine like he does in some movies. The ending feels a bit rushed though. Like we-ran-out-of-money-lets-wrap-it-up. It still made for a okay movie watching evening though.
