White Christmas

White Christmas


  • Genre: Comedy, Music, Romance
  • Release Date: 1954-10-14
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • : 7.2
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 529 Ratings


Two talented song-and-dance men team up after the war to become one of the hottest acts in show business. In time they befriend and become romantically involved with the beautiful Haynes sisters who comprise a sister act.



  • Peter McGinn

    By Peter McGinn
    I am not a fan of musicals, but if I am to watch one I prefer this type: where the story is told in dialogue, interrupted and built onto by the songs. The movies that are pure music — including dialogue, threaten to cause me to slide out of my chair onto the floor and stare at the ceiling. The writing is a bit hokey and sometimes predictable, but overall it is entertaining and quite watchable. We wondered where they found room in the building for the huge set that was created, but rule number one here is to suspend your disbelief, and ignore niggling little questions such as: where are the parents of the general’s granddaughter? So it was a pleasant enough watch. I saw a review that spoke of Danny Kaye’s bad acting, but really I thought he and everyone did just fine. The songs are all good, except for the title song, which is of course perfect.
  • CinemaSerf

    By CinemaSerf
    Danny Kaye is much the more natural here as he ("Phil") and successful partner "Bob" (Bing Crosby) hook up with the aspiring sister-act team of "Betty" (Rosemary Clooney) and "Judy" (Vera-Ellen). The latter pair have a gig at a remote Vermont inn, and so after some shenanigans on a train they all arrive to discover it is run by the gents' former wartime CO "Gen. Waverly" (Dean Jagger). Determined to come to the aid of this decent and proud man, they concoct a scheme to quite literally rally the troops! The gist of the plot is one of loyalty and integrity, but there is plenty of daft comedy interspersed to keep the whole thing from becoming too earnest or sentimental. The dance numbers are expertly choreographed and the musical numbers from Irving Berlin including the belters "Sisters" (with a little help from Gloria Wood) and "Blue Skies" keep the toes tapping too... It's a cheery, gentle romantic comedy that puts a smile on your face and reinforces any faith in the human spirit that might need topping up. I always found Crosby a little too slick on screen, but Kaye and Clooney are great and though perhaps just a shade too long, it's still an enjoyable seasonal romp, well worth a watch with some mulled wine and the odd chocolate Santa.
  • tmdb51616167

    By tmdb51616167
    This classic film takes viewers on a nostalgic journey filled with timeless moments and cherished memories, immersing them in a Christmas adventure that harkens back to the classics of bygone eras. It offers a glimpse into the cinematic treasures that captivated audiences in the past and showcases the enduring appeal of films from that period. While the movie has aged well and retains its charm, it may feel somewhat old-fashioned to modern viewers. Appreciating it for its historical significance and the cultural context of its time, one can still find value in experiencing the film's classic storytelling and festive atmosphere. Despite some cheesy and questionable moments that may arise while watching, the film ultimately fulfills its role as a beloved Christmas classic that evokes a sense of nostalgia and holiday spirit. While it may not be a movie to revisit frequently, its enduring legacy and enduring charm make it a significant part of the cinematic landscape, especially during the festive season.
