


  • Genre: Action, Thriller
  • Release Date: 1988-02-26
  • Runtime: 92 minutes
  • : 7.025
  • Production Company: The Cannon Group
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 1,902 Ratings


An American Army Major goes AWOL to Hong Kong for an outlawed martial arts contest called the Kumite.



  • GenerationofSwine

    By GenerationofSwine
    I've been pretty harsh reviewing Jean-Claude Van Damme movies, and even though he is significantly older than me, I have the feeling he can still kick my butt, so maybe I should back off a little. Honestly though, this one is pretty watchable. Make no mistake, it is no Chinatown, but, who cares, it is a fun way to hit all the tropes of the martial arts genre and it does it in a way that you know is going to be copied, even if it was already kind of a copy of Enter the Dragon only without the art. So, what you have is a bloody trope filled film that is fun to watch and vaguely (in the vaguest sense of the word vaguely) based kinda sorta on a true story that one guy said happened and was never really verified. So.... sit back and pop some corn, you'll love this.
